Functional Portfolio

Greenman that’s definitely some good insight! I know as a student I have a pretty limited perspective on portfolios, and what people look for in them. I guess I was coming at it more from a student perspective, where you might not have anything in production, and the best way to prove you have skills is to show them. I’d think if you designed some kick-ass products, you’d have to have done your due diligence in the process, so what you’re saying makes total sense. I try to think about design school kind of like learning English in school, they teach you all the rules first, and make you follow them. Then you break them later when it’s appropriate. My process is definitely not a linear step by step kind of thing, and I’d almost have to question anyone who claimed to have a linear process, because it just never works out that way… at least in school. So where you’re coming from makes sense there too.