New Windows 8 logo -beautiful or ugly?

I’m going to have to call ‘bullocks’ on this new Windows logo - it defines the very essence of generic and bland!

So, what are their logo claims:

1 - a ‘window-like’ icon
2 - the name ‘Windows 8’
3 - now in a ‘fresh’ Tron-blue color


They’ve lost the essence of their logo completely. There is something familiar (and yes, ‘old’) about their wavy window logo that I think should really be brought forward to the new ‘feeling’ of their Windows 8 logo. As it is, this implied 4-pane literal window looks old, tired and generic. There’s nothing personally that gets me excited about this logo, or makes me passionate about it.

I would also argue that at some point, you have to look at the window pane without the ‘windows 8’ mark and see how it stands by itself. After all, they need to think about all of the ways the mark can and will be used, and at some point, if they’ve built a good enough mark, that would be an aspiration of the window pane - see Apple, Nike, Starbucks, etc. As it sits now, it’s a slightly perspective series of blocks. Not very inspiring.

I see a very reactionary, safe and tired logo with nothing ventured and with absolutely no aspirational ‘oomph’ to have it last long.

Paging the Arnell Group…I think this one may represent another ‘Tropicana’-sized event…