A bad experience

First of all the last line of my post shuld say:
“I took the risk, so I CAN’T complain, but do you have any tips to work as frelancer and with international clients?”

Thak you for all your advices.

  • For certain I wiil apply the 50% before send a work next time.

  • To the day of today it has past more than one month. After one month of sent the work I did not receive more replies.
    In my country it is commond to wait one month, but for a project or sometihing “big”. Not for a freelance work drawing a 3d or making a render.

  • I will see the video, I hope to learn something more.

  • About named him, maybe was a rookie mistake. I just wanted to make a warning; If this guy contact anyone in the future, that person can have an opinion.

IDiot, I agree with you I took the job to get experience and I get some experience about buisness, so maybe I should change the Subject of the topic…

Best regards,