books on sketching skliz...?

Thought i could give a heads up to another new book that has recently been completed by myself with Klara Sjölen and the publishers of Design Sketching. The new book is called Learning Curves. The idea we had when writing the book was to give an idea of how learning to sketch worked from our point of view. The idea was in principle to expand on how myself and Klara learnt to sketch. Along with this the book also features sketches, thoughts and advice from over 60 designers from around the world. The book is at the moment very new, so i cant as yet point you towards any independant reviews, but you can see some samples of the book at, Learning Curves - Sketching technique books for designers There is also a facebook page at, Redirecting...

On a side note. I also run and noticed that there is an expired link earlier in this discussion where we briefly reviewed some other books. The link should be, Design and Sketching book reviews (my bad on this one, i changed the address for the page without creating a forward).

Apart from that, i can also reccomend the book “Sketching” by Roselien Stuer and Koos Eissen. Its full of pretty inspiring stuff.

Cheers all, Allan

By the way, if anyone has any questions about Learning Curves then you can also feel free to drop me a mail at