Copyright discussions

Where we agree, iab, is that value is impossible to quantify. It isn’t a moral position I am taking on the societal standing musicians/artists hold over another.

Where this thread starts, is the idea that the value starts at free. Downloading music because you CAN, does not mean you should. Replicating a piece of artwork (a photograph) because you CAN…it holds true across the board. I don’t find free acceptable. The woman who made this Sita Sings the Blues argues that because the song is old, she should be able to use it however she wants…for free.

I threw out $100K because that’s a number that is pretty solid for saying you have made it solidly into middle class. Again, the numbers can scale. I concede that the value is subjective.

What I still do not hear, is any reason why a song, photograph, or other copyright covered piece of artwork should be FREE unless the artist chooses for it to be.