What did I just give $50 to IDSA for?

I’m going to have to agree with PackageID on this one.

Starting this discussion/bringing up these frustrations online helps others at least see the process through which IDSA handles these issues. Tarngerine is vp of our student chapter. I’m president. We’re both pretty well-versed in what IDSA is trying to offer students, but even so it’s very difficult to contact IDSA to vocalize any frustrations we have. I’ve personally sent more than four e-mails to national just to get someone to update our student chapter listing with no avail yet (nudge nudge to IDSA). So with e-mail correspondence being mostly ineffective, no IDSA discussion board, and Core77 already being a venue for communicating with IDSA (where individuals actually respond), I’d say this is a pretty appropriate place to at least see if others are experiences the same issues as we are.