1HDC 10.03 - Gestural Interfaces - Submissions

One morning I was grinding some coffee beans. While pouring some coffee into the espresso cup, I got distracted and spilled some coffee on the floor. Immediately I started thinking, what would be the easiest way to clean this mess up?

  1. Roomba, nah that would take forever
  2. Vacuum, nah too cumbersome
  3. Battery powered Stick vac, if only I had one

Then it dawned on me. A simple, take it for granted, broom would probably be the best tool for the job. A few seconds later I had cleaned of the spilled coffee and thought wow that was really easy, I should use this more often.

If a broom was more interactive maybe more kids and young adults would actually find joy in a mundane cleaning task.

Once the dust pan is removed from the broom, the broom counts down “3”, “2”, “1”, “GO.” The broom plays the sound of racing tires that accelerate the faster you broom, followed by cheers once the dust pan is put back on the broom. The broom would then tell you how long it took you to complete your sweeping task. By making this cleaning task more of an interactive game, you might have to fight for who gets to clean up the mess.