1HDC 10.03 - Gestural Interfaces - Submissions

I have recently discovered from talking with girlfriends that once in a serious relationship it is hard to keep things exciting in the bedroom. This is a more common problem than I have ever realized so I took it as an opportunity for this submission. I find that once routine takes over life, making the effort to have sex with your partner often becomes more like a chore. We work, we get home and are tired, we go to bed, end of story. So how can we “keep the fire burning” in the bedroom?

The springs in the bed have the ability to detect rigorous movement. If there has been no indication of sex being had, within three days the bed signals the bedroom lights and stereo to turn on and create a romantic mood. Even if it just causes the couple to laugh together in bed the concept is successful.

concept developed by McCauley Wanner