1HDC 10.03 - Gestural Interfaces - Submissions

With obesity as a major threat, my idea is an aid to maintaining a blalanced diet. It is a refrigerator that has paritioned shelves, each labeled with one of the 5 food groups. Food would be placed (possibly scanned) on the appropriate shelf. As the food is taken off the shelf during the day for meals or snacks, the refrigerator computes (through scanning or weight) how much of each food group is being selected. The shelf ends (facing the door) all begin colored green. As food is removed, the ends turn yellow, then red…signifying that enough of that particular food group has been selected for the day. In this way, the consumer is guided to select from a different area.

With only an hour, this is as far as it goes. There could be individual codes which are punched in for each consumer…This system would not only help adults, but also children, who would be growing up with it as a normal part of life. :smiley: