Any one into Generative Design ?

Uh, periods of human history that embraced mental deliberation tended to be a transition away from medieval methods, often spanning periods of centuries before reformation occurred, so I don’t think medieval is a good definition as much as “accepted” or “traditional” methods might be because ID is a relatively new process of design compared to something like blacksmithing or roof thatching, ID is hardly a perfected, established process, if it was we would have much more credibility that other established professions enjoy.

Calling it medieval is insulting because it suggests that, as a whole, Industrial Designers are resistant to new tools, processes, or ways of designing. Generalizing, criticizing, and mocking people is hardly a way to inspire them to experiment and change, no matter how empirical your data or how right you may actually be. This may be why your entrepreneurial foray into generative design tools was not a huge commercial success.