1HDC 10.03 - Gestural Interfaces - Submissions

(First, this product DOES NOT make the drink for you. It is not a vending machine. )

The Siren is an ordering device that uses rich, interactive gestural controls to allow the customer to custom craft his or her drink. The controls are designed to simulate the real action used by Baristas.

For example, to add espresso shots, toggle a horizontal lever which resembles the espresso portafilter. Three clear “ice” button toggles determine the amount of ice, and a cylinder resembling an inverted whipped cream aerosol can is pushed to add whip. A large hand crank wheel is used to add “foam” :slight_smile:

Once the drink is specified, a printer located below the cup prints a QR code on the bottom. This code is used by the baristas to know what you ordered. You can also scan it later with a cell phone cam to tweet what you just drank.

The Siren also features a “siren” button which can be used to complete a partially configured drink based on your order history, tracked via your starbux card. When this aggregated drink data is combined with advanced barista algorithms it can be used as the “siren’s intuition” to generate a new drink you might like, on the spot. Putting a generative design tool into the hands of customers.

(also, this is supposed to be a little silly, but in a fun way. The QR code actually works, try it)