Discussion about the IDSA

Hi everyone,

I am Claire from Pensa, & part of the volunteer team that is planning NED. I’d like to thank you all for your comments, & want you to know that our committee is putting a lot of time and effort into making it as ass-kicking as possible. Working through the logistics of managing such a large team of volunteers both in & out of IDSA is time-consuming & complicated, and the conference website is being updated by IDSA daily (the full speaker list is now up!). We’re working on finalizing the nitty-gritty details of the schedule, so that will be posted in the next couple of days as well.

In the meantime, please join our social networking pages to stay in the loop & become a part of the conversation. The planning committee, IDSA employees & members, & speakers/panel members will be periodically posting info & updates, & you can too! Find us on:




Thank you!