1HDC 10.02 - Emergency Shelter - Submission Forum

Caterpillar shelter

This shelter is made for being flexible to disaster´s city conditions. The only cleared path once the catastrophe has come are the streets, so this tube long is for passing trought the city ruins and debrids. Also it can sufer from earthquake replys, becouse its tensile and its anchored to a lot of surrounding buildings or ruins, so it doesnt need fundation. Becouse is a tube, its isolated from top and above. It can be ensambled be anyone becouse it doesnt have a “rigid shape”.
Tube can be rolled and packed as a circus tent.
It also can be placed in squares anchored to trees, or among forests, adapting to ground and trees displacement.
First thing of a big scale disaster as ahiti is that it haves to be massive, flexible to conditions, and to be as almost near the city as it coulds. this is for what it was designed.

(in the graphic the shelter is placed in the street among building debrids and vehicles)