Who is/are your favorite artists?

:: 3D ::

Henry Moore; I grew up down the street from one of his “Large Arch” pieces (below).
Saarinen, Eero and Eliel (Eliel’s North Christian Church in the background), for their human-scale “art” .

(edit - 10/11/11: I have never, until this moment, noticed that the clock on the church bell tower is not centered)

Auguste Rodin (once you get past “The Kiss” and “Thinker”) because his work unnerves me to some extent.; i.e., “Balzac” (below), the Burghers of Cailais, and his many “fragment” pieces.

Lorenzo Ghiberti, for his mastery of material and technology of the day; he resurrected the nearly forgotten Roman process of “lost wax” (investment) casting (1378-1455).

:: 2D ::

Leonardo DiVinci, for introducing us all to the concept of the process sketch.
Martin Grelle; modern western artist with a great understanding of light.
Stephan Pastis; Pearls Before Swine cartoonist - for a good laugh.