where is Interaction Design going?

I guess when i mention Interaction Design, I do not refer as much to the interface, GUI, type of iD as much… my huge interest is more in the environmental, spacial, services, type of “iD”… samples i can think of are in some of IDEO work, “extra spacial”, anteanna design has a few experimental ones, and lots from RCA, and IDII over in europe.

I definetly do agree with you that there is a bunch of iD in the web and small electronics, but i think the NEW iD is geared more towrds larger spaces, and services… perhaps more sensorial Design… hmmm. www.nathan.com he has a bunch of stuff on iD.

CG, thanks for the links…i’ll check them out… if you are into this iD thing, check out this book i just bought…it rocks…
