Lumi, a new printing process

your results look very interesting. Your approach is the epitome of childish unprofessionalism.

The folksy video, cute girl, cute guy approach, only works with friends and family. I realize this Kickstarter arrangement is small small, and that appeals or it’s what you desire. Looking at your video shows people in environments that do not need money, only maturity.

Surreptitious, secretiveness (closed door, the vault), tells money and process people you aren’t serious. In a femto second you will be asked about due diligence: truly you have a unique innovation completely your own, it’s tested, it works, it’s commercially viable? It is excellent you have protection, there’s no secret: a patent, a filing, a license? Tell us.

If indeed you have protectection, redo your video showing almost everything, no secrets, and clearly explaining what you need and plan to do.

That’s the business man talking, and again it looks fascinating. However, the sceptic in me says I’ve seen this before. Numerous photographers have put images via unique methods onto odd substrates. Synthesized clorophyl process, exposures took weeks, but went onto anything, continuous tone, permanently.