Design Wishes for 2010 and beyond

R- your throughts are very nicely articulated, a good read… I agree with your wishes for the future, i wonder though, how the business and marketplace mentality of ultra consumerism, that has really taken hold, can be “evolved” to more of a “less quantity, more quality” strategy. certainly designers can be cheerleaders for that cause, but I mean how do you get the marektplace to break free of it at this point? I kind of liken it to the energy question- there is a huge infrastructure based around fossil fuels, which means you can’t change it too quickly without hurting a lot of people. So i’m thinking, are we now stuck in the same situation here relative to companies, retailers, online stores, even designers who thrive simply because consumers buy enough stuff, enough times in a year? Economically, what happens if companies switch from making 12 products a year that last 3 years, to say 4 products a year that last 10 years? I mean i don’t know the answer but perhaps this can be the next big area of innovation - figuring out how to do this successfully…