Design Wishes for 2010 and beyond


De-emphasize the rock star designer, and promote the corporate rebel designer.[/quote]

Yo! nailed this one and it’s always been one of my personal pet-peeves, especially with this particular site. Seems like most of the stories on the front page relate to some one-off artistic product, like a chair or light fixture. That’s not industrial design. Industrial design is the creation of a product for MASS production.

Too much focus is on these 3D artists. I say artists because they are basically creating something for themselves and not for production. It’s not designed to use as little parts as possible, to fit into a PDQ tray, to be easy to manufacture, etc. Those are the things that corporate designers have to think about it. The end result isn’t normally as “flashy” as what these rock-star designers come up with, but I’d argue to say that it requires even more thought and planning in the final design. I’ve worked corporate for most of my career and it has always ticked me off to see all of these flashy products get the attention.

Ok, off my soap box.