Advice on a theoretical Alka-Seltzer refresh?

Oh noes, i was afraid this might happen…

Did you use a designer for that? I hope not. First suggestion would be to get one on board in your team ASAP. Without one, no matter the theory behind it, or good intentions, you will have a disastrous result.

Where do I begin… I’m going to try to be very critical here, knowing that you are not a designer, but trying to show the importance of design. Marketing alone (or when marketing tries to do design) is something that should carry a penalty of death.

To start with, the concept, about being safe, only changing a bit, etc… as I mentioned in my first post on the topic, I think is terrible. What you end up having (and all too common unfortunately when marketing leads), is a change with no real change. Your new package (design crimes aside, which I’ll address below), is just a variation of the existing, and there is no point to change for no reason. Especially when it is worse…

Now, the design,

First off, yellow does add impact, but it’s way too high contrast to be pleasing to the eye. Such bright blue and yellow combo makes it look, at best, like washing detergent. Not something you want to eat.

All good design layout is based on a grid. On your design, everything is randomly all over the place. Just look at the placement of the large logo, for one. It’s not centered right to left, but kinda a bit to the left, and the clearspace above it and to the left are not equal nor do they seem to relate to anything.

Fonts are super important. Looks like you are maybe using a default windows font for the text (I’m not going to bother even trying to identify it, but it’s terrible), and the logo font is also not so nice. Doesn’t say anything and looks very generic.

In addition to odd fonts, you’ve got a lot of different type treatments going on. For one, you got all lowercase at the top (effercescent tablets), all upper case, italic (FAST & SAFE), Mixed case (logo and the bullet points). Some maybe bold? And the color of the text is also seemingly random without any hierarchy. Font sizes also look kinda random.

I also don’t know what to even say about the alignment of the text. What’s going on? “relief of” is sorta right aligned, but not really to SAFE, the bullet points in white are on some crazy diagonal… yikes.

The drop shadow on the logo is just gross, really harsh and doesn’t help.

The bubbles are so contained in the “stream” they look unatural, and from far away you see a shape in the stream that with the tablets kinda looks like a wang.

The tablets themselves also look giant. Makes me think I’ll have to swallow horse pills if I buy this.