What if Global Warming is a Red Herring?

@mgnt8 so it’s the sun?

@cameron yes their credibility has been shaken, but I was just wondering if you knew any specific docs that i could look at, cuz i’ve grabbed the leaked files from the ipcc but reading 1074 e-mails is out of the question for me. there are some other files there that seem to be propaganda tools to change public opinion, i haven’t looked at them in depth.

as far as I know socialism in theory is against power and wealth consolidation by a small minority, not in favor.

and no, business only have to make enough profit to survive, giving costumers what they “want” is one way, there are others. don’t want to go off topic though. The reason I say it’s an oxymoron is because the free market in the end is all about acquiring monopolies and cartels (power consolidation), not about fixing problems, or is it?