1HDC 09.09 - The Future of Digital Reading - Submissions

After reviewing the research and thinking about the evolution of reading over the years, I don’t think that the Kindle model is that far off from a enjoyable reading experience. The three main issues that resonated with me and I think will be resolved with The New Page are: 1) turning the page, 2) sharing and 3) using a digital reading device with children.

The New Page includes screens on front and back, button controls, a flash drive slot (like common digital cameras) and speakers.

  1. Turning the Page is addressed in The New Page by the user flipping the device over to advance the page instead of a button. The user actually feels is making a motion to advance emulating the act of turning a page.

  2. Sharing can be easy! In an age where bands are releasing records on memory sticks instead of cds there is nothing stopping The New Page from incorporating existing technology utilized in digital cameras to the reading experience. Trading a flash cards (or reloading them) can become the new way of trading books easily.

  3. Using a digital reading device with Children is made more interesting and feasible with The New Page. The back screen can also be used as a way to share pictures illustrating the story on the other side (think teacher reading aloud and then holding the book out for the children to see the illustrations) or, with The New Page’s color screens and speakers, read along with your child to richer content.