Website question

I think I know what you guys mean. Something a little more than coroflot but just enough to attract attention.

I made one a year back, haven’t updated since. The biggest problem I had was how to set my pages in the center of the screen no matter what resolution the person is viewing with. I still don’t know how to do it.

The only software I have at my disposal is Front Page 2000. It’s easy, and uses simple html. Any idea?

BTW here’s the link:
I have showed it here before and I know I should at least pay to get the ads off. It was just a practice.

You mind checking our my coroflot pages as well?

My actual portfolio has similar feel. I want to make sure that if I am not there to explain my work, I still want people to understand the process and details I went through, thus I end up including many things. My department head thinks it’s too busy. Most other people are positive about the layout.
I think the first thing I am trying to sell with my portfolio is my skills. Then I will “impress” them with the way I think through interviews.