what about Taiwan?


really appreciate your time, effort and the amount of info you shared! you really seem to know facts and figures about design in Asia. are you located somewhere there?
i think i can see and understand your point for every single pixel of the picture you painted for me… :slight_smile: i do find that my two biggest drawbacks are the lack of significant prof. experience and the fact that most likely companies/studios would rather hire a local than me (salary, even language/culture issues etc).
as for korea i am not really considering mainly because of the focus on consumer goods as you already mentioned.
singapore, for id may be tiny as you say, but there are 1-2 interesting studios the country is really really interesting, they are trying to promote design and business spirit & entrepreneurship are really high (i quite value the last one as you never know… creating your own business one day may be a really creative option).

as for teaching, lately i do consider it as an option in fact as one of my grad. schools is networking with asian schools. i do know that universities require either phd or at least quite many years of successful hands on experience on design… you never know though…
