Alias 2010 Vs Rhino 5 and the future outlook?

Yes !!
It put all this in perspective : even with everything I’ve been complaining about in Alias if you are good there seems to be no limits !
This guy is amazing:
Excellent imagination+sketcher+modeller+renderer+real life photographer !!

Maybe what I find the most amazing is the fact that (I think) he renders in Alias. There are some overheated chrome “oily rainbow” effects on exhaust pipes that make me drool ! :open_mouth: Have been displayed on the Alias 2007 calendar.
I can’t even imagine how he does all this detailing on Alias render engine.

The funny thing is that the guys at ADSK are so willing to use those images they use them for Inventor, when not a single bolt was made with Inventor ! Not to mention rendering…