1HDC 08.08 - Voting Booth - Submission Forum

This is a concept designed to increase voter turnout, aimed specifically at the indecisive and apathetic audiences. This watch design seeks to extend the appeal of voting to these crowds by offering a unique, light-hearted perspective on the presidential election, which can often seem uninteresting and even overwhelming.

The watch’s blatent slot machine inspiration is bound to turn heads, and is also reminiscent of the traditional lever machines. In order to receive their exclusive watch, one must submit a voucher via the internet or mail, which will include the person’s personal information and location. Once this information is received, a watch will be sent to their respective voting location, where they will pick up their watch right before entering the voting booth. If the watch incentive had not sparked even the slightest interest in the presidential election, they can simply pull the watch lever and make a decision on the spot!

::45 minutes::Illustrator, Photoshop