1HDC 08.07 - Sick Ass Car Rendering!! - Discussion

I would suggest you go back and re-read where this subject matter got nasty. Let’s take a look at ip’s replies…


We don’t want to close it off from blue sky. But, going by the idea that this is going to be seen by someone in the industry who will be picking the 3 finalists, I would probably lean towards producable within the next 5 - 10 years.

Is he being a d1ck here? no. Someone had a question, he replied in kind.



I go into hibernation for a few days and come back to a small pile of truly hot sketches/vids.

Great work everyone! You definitely surprised me with the quality.

Very inspiring.

Here, he’s obviously in a good mood about the whole thing.


The short list is the top six I chose as the finalists for Ralph to choose from so that we don’t take away too much from his very busy schedule.

This was his answer to my query about the difference between the short-list and a list with everyone on it. Acceptable.


short answer.


I will throw you this bone…you will need to hunt their entry down yourself. The top seven were in no particular order:

Are you condoning that moderators treat other board members like this? If anyone gets this answer, it’s because the person saying it is typically being a d1ck. Which ip himself agrees with.

if anything he’s said is on point, me being dick head is probably it.

I wasn’t the only person curious to see who else made the cut:

can we after the results?

So, in short, I don’t think, as moderator, ip_wirelessly was a professional about my queries and could use some lessons in being mannerly.

And, sure, I may have crossed the line a little but only because of ip’s acknowledgment of his own behavior for which he hasn’t apologized.

I had a great time working on this challenge which I’ve mentioned before. I’ve been here for awhile longer than ip_ and hope to be a member in the future. But, if I feel someone’s being disrespectful, I just can’t let it slide. Especially if its someone who’s representing Core77 as a moderator. I don’t need any pats on the back but I, like everyone else here, deserves equal amounts of respect.

Please forgive me for my behavior, and I honestly congratulate the winners…

I got next. :slight_smile: