1HDC 08.07 - Sick Ass Car Rendering!! - Discussion

pfff everyone should be grateful that the 1HDC even exists so far as im concerned power trip away.

Let’s be honest here in regards to this shortlisting nonsense. it was quite obvious who the top 6-8 were. Compare them to your own work they were sick! I could of never of competed with them.

Here’s what I defined as sick for my motivation:

Take a real good look at this image. How much gasoline is being wasted from idling in traffic? How much time is going to waste idling in traffic? I can make an educated guess that most people would like to see some solutions to this problem.

Anyone can make sick-ass renderings so don’t sell yourself short. The judge here obviously chose style over substance.

You know, not to sugar coat what is happening in the real world.

I am a diplomat for change whatever it may look like.

There are real problems taking place in the transportation industry. Whether its with energy, highway infrastructure, or the demand for fuel-efficient cars when the Big 3 have overspecialized in SUV’s. Dealerships who have been in the business of selling cars which started as sick-ass renderings are now shuttering their doors.

I think Industrial Designers with a talent for making sick-ass renderings can also be a part of positive improvements in our society which are needed now more than ever.