1HDC 08.07 - Sick Ass Car Rendering!! - Discussion

I will sum up why you didn’t make it, judging by the 3 winners (congrats btw, I guess)

  1. Use cool colors. This will hide an absolutely horrible sketch. Use really dramatic lighting, and pick contrasting colors. Then shade it so you can’t see the awful linework.

  2. Ignore perspective for more drama. Twist the front ends, make things lopsided, and don’t worry about a sketch being clear about form…just make sure it has emotion.

  3. Keep sketch as loose as possible. Don’t refine it. Don’t erase any of the draw through lines. Avoid anything tight in the linework or the marker/rendering section

Congrats to everyone, once again, and I don’t mean this to offend anyone, it is just my observation based on the winners. Hopefully next time it will be a real actual contest, instead of an admin selecting which ones he likes best for judging. That kinda pisses me off actually.