The first world-wide revolution- Green Design

This is an example, a manufacturer makes a business decision to create a niche for themslves. The fashion of going green becomes a competitive advantage. This does not reflect the complexity of the situation of influencing clinets to incurr xtras.

It’s further from the IDers control as consumer. It makes sense for some products. Recycled goods used in beverage containers is a 1:1 exchange. Certainly in other industries such as food industries, the green factor is a health issue. The recent awareness of electronic waste has added to the design equation. If countries institute fines and other penalities for products that can be proven to become dangerous when they are discarded, this is an incentive for desigerns to improve upon this intangible phase of a product.

Products that contain many parts and components and substrates have too many inconspicious pieces that have no visibe effects or selling points–not worth the money. This is why I’m confused.

*edit, delete code tag