why we design? opinions, thoughts, etc

There a few threads that run through the entirety of this topic: why is there so much furniture design and what is the cause of the popular design (Alesis). I have yet to see a historical, class or production constraints based response to these questions.

To begin, furniture is large and often heavy, therefore it is difficult to ship. Even Ikea often produces things like sofas in many different countries close to their destination market because of this. There are also many small companies that serve local furniture markets.

Moreover, with regards to furniture, I see a historical element to its current place in the world. Furniture was traditionally made by local artisans and some of that has continued with artists producing designed, high priced furniture. Alesis also continues this tradition, just in a new product category. Alesis produces their designed products similarly to how painters used to have patrons.

Which brings me to class. Design taste runs clear across economic boundaries, but it has to be said that most high design is bought (or paid to be created) by rich people. It is no different to those crazy haut couture clothes that you see on the run ways when you watch a fashion show. These are artistic creations paid for by the bourgeoisie and are in the media because it too is owned by the bourgeoisie (in fact golf, a bourgeoisie sport, pre-empted more popular sports on the networks because the media owners were golf fans).