Skeuomorphic Design 2.0?

First, I’m old. I’ve actually lived through the transition from analog to digital – starting long, long before there was even the thought of digital. In crossing over to digital, clients wanted more and more to see photoreal presentations, of course we were eager to show off new technical tools, but the problem quickly became one of client buy-in. They felt they were looking at finished products, too late for input so instead of participating, buying-in, they felt only left with a yes/no or like/dislike decision. Many times stopping really good concepts before getting started.

Process is important – I’ve thought about this since we started using 3D Studio in the early 90’s. It’s an ongoing dilemma. No answer, after all these years, other than continually educating and explaining process to clients to keep them engaged.

I know, a little tangental – forgive me. :wink: