What constitutes "source data" in product design?

Agree. Sounds more like a thesis research paper than somebody trying to get some practical answers.

So open ended that it could go in a thousand different directions. Didn’t makerbot just close down a few stores recently? Why would you buy your 3D printer at Home Depot? I blame topics like this that misinform or get people hyped up about something to create some buzz. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had to hear unrealistic ideas about 3D printing just because people saw online that China is 3D printing houses.

I guess the closest thing would be graphic design templates for websites/flyers/letterheads. You can customize them but at the end they end up being bland templates. If you want something truly unique and good/new/fresh then you hire an actual designer. You can’t compare digital algorithms to millions of physical products out there.

Give us a good real-life example of what you would like to achieve or would like to see happen, if not it will just be a bunch of theoretical opinions. For years the aircraft industry and it’s partners (3D modeling and Rendering Software companies) have been trying to create an automated program where the client (airlines) can simply click, drag and drop monuments, sidewalls, bins, seats, carpet, leather and fabric color, etc in order to make their custom airplane interior selection. It has never worked because airlines always want the option that is not shown…so we end up having to visualize each on a case by case basis.