Coroflot - Brand related Jobs

I hear ya and I know what you are feeling. The one thing we do not want this thread to turn into is a Branding Job posting thread outside of Coroflot. The reasoning behind this is that Coroflot is what pays the bills and keeps this site going. By allowing companies to come in and post job openings would start to compete with the money maker and…well I think you know the problem with that. We delete tons of these as SPAM everyday. On the other hand if you would like to start a thread around Branding recruiters, How to get a Brand job, etc that is perfectly fine. I also agree that this thread has lost its interest and like other thread it will slow down and die. Every discussion on here as a life cycle.


I also would like to add that I think this has becaome a great resource thead for those designers out there that may want to get into these areas. They are plucked from the masses (being the other postings) and all in one area.