Looking for Chicago Based Speakers


My name is Mike Kaczmarek, and I am the current IDSA representative for UIC and the local area. I am currently trying to find people that are willing to do lectures for students on anything based around ID or the future of ID. If anyone knows someone or is someone that does things like this, it would be amazing if you got in contact with me.

Write on here or email me at mkaczmarek223@gmail.com


Are you contacting firms around Chicago? Don’t just wait for someone to magically hook you up with a list :wink: be proactive!

Plenty of professionals and firms in Chicago to approach personally.

Talk to Stephen Melamed, Marcia Lausen, other professors for help contacting folks if you are unsuccesful on
your own.

Stephen and Chris along with the students chapter folks last year brought in Spencer Nugent
to do an http://www.idsketching.com/ workshop last year that was awesome.

Off the top of my head:
Scott Wilson - Minimal - taught at UIC for a bit
Paul Hatch from - TEAMS Design - has been very involved in Chicago IDSA
plenty others

but like Tarngerine said, “be proactive!”

I just saw your post. I think you were here recently with Stephen Melamed, but feel free to contact anyone here at TEAMS about coming by again. Now that we have such a large classroom area dedicated for workshops and lectures we want to take advantage of it as much as possible.

We’ve got a range of people who regularly give presentations/workshops on subjects like Visual Brand Language, Digital Sketch techniques, Portfolio Tips, etc. -Just let us know what you’ve got going on in the curriculum and we can set it up.

I think that Hector Silva is the Chicago IDSA Student Liaison. You can find him on Coroflot and get his email there.