Winner! - 1HDC v1.2 - eReader

We had four pages filled with some excellent eReader designs. We saw everything from paradigm changing concepts to designs to hide the technology making it look and feel as much like a common book as possible. The winner (and first to submit) is Kinl with their eScroll concept - the ultra-mobile, paradigm shifting concept that looks as though it took the full Hour to design and present.

There are also a few Honorable mentions:

Special mention should go out to Yo! with his excellent bar-raising rendering of a leather bound i-something themed nu*book.
Callosum could have had a clear shot at winning with a better rendering (The bar was definitely raised for presentation quality this go around).
KasinChan approached the concept from a student perspective. If you followed the discussion surrounding the eBook an approach like this may be the more likely way for an eBook to really take off.

If you haven’t already, have a gander at the submissions and let us know if you agree!

Congrats, Kinl! Don’t forget to get your new NikeID shoes with the Core77 Logo on the side!

There were a lot of great entries this go around, and Christian Holland’s eScroll stands a part for sure. Great work Christian, and congrats! I love how you broke the book form factor to make something very simple and portable.

(I suggest something with Nike Plus for use with your certificate :wink: )