Core 77 blocked in China

One note for this forum. At my Chinese factory, I am unable to get to Core77 as it is blocked by the government for having a forum. I am unsure how wide spread this is in China but it would have an effect on the number of comments we would receive from China.

Can anyone in mainland China comment on this?

I wonder if they could access RSS feeds of the blogs…

Did you use

Nope, i just typed in

Interesting, no reason why. But Timf you still can get on?

I live in Hong Kong, and have no problem here. Only when I am in mainland China, have I had the problem.

Sorry, I should have made that clear earlier.

it’s not because it has a forum. core was blocked in iran too so i went to the filtering center and they told me it was because the word core is read like hardcore by software. the person in charge called the supervisor for filtering and he created input instructions on filter software to allow only core77. then it worked.

Here they block the search word “mp3”. I think in this case I’d prefer communism.

looking at this thread from Beijing. Try

Not blocked in Mainland. I am posting from Fuzhou, China

not blocked too,I am in wuhu Anhui,as a student in college

I am back at my China factory today. www.core77,com did not work but did :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestion.

Also glad to see others can get on.

that’s false alarm! China is a open country, now!


Go to the link for the full article.

:smiley: China in mainland can enter this web too.

i do not think it is blocked since i can log on everyday.

but internet service sucks in china, too slow and too unstable

I tried again just now, and the fact can proved all——it’s not blocked.

why govement block this site???i’m in shanghai and i can get to any site i want to.maybe there is some other problems in ur factory. :bulb:

Posting from factory in Zhuhai, China.