Innovation in Korea...

One of Tesco’s methods I have observed here in Korea is their state of the art training facility out near the Incheon airport. There they train all local employees in the ways in which the brand is to be perceived and experienced. It is quite impressive and the facility is very progressive with its architecture and implementation of alternative energy.

Driving by the facilities front gate, the Tesco logo is presented to the drivers-by and the grounds look like a future city with half of the walkable area filled with low lying solar panels. This is a very expensive proposition by the brand, but I believe it comes later in the phase program after the retail real estate is developed.

China’s model is very good at eliminating such costs for foreign brand insertion I have observed. And, probably with good reason too. As buying a turtle in a pristine environment with soft music and clean floors just does not feel right to a local…thus no sale.