Business in China - 006 A change for US Corporate rules

Bribes and under the table payments are a way of life here and there is a mentality that there is nothing wrong with it, only that getting caught is stupid. Basically its not about accepting it or not (due to right and wrong) but rather assessing whether or not you are up to the task of not getting caught. Its also accepted as a normal part of business. I once had an employee who told me that while he liked me and admired me, there was no way that I could be honest since I am a businessman. (IE its impossible to be honest AND be in business)

A HUGE portion the population thinks this way, though that’s not to say that everyone is the same. There is the other mindset that this is “low class / bad taste.” In Chinese you call it “suzhi tai di.” Though interestingly enough even this doesn’t really speak to the issue of “right and wrong.”

One way I have heard of handling it is that it goes into a departmental “pot” which is then divided up and used monthly on staff events and parties - with the staff themselves deciding on how it gets used. Which means if they want a trip to the spa - they get it.