ISO, File management, and databasing for Design

Seems like a lot of the folks I talk to are wanting to do something. If it is ISO required or just sleeping better at night… If a large volume of work is coming out of the group or your design group isn’t having tons of meetings to keep up to date. Something is needed. My old company got away with nothing because their particular contract mode was short term. Meaning once the job was done… nothing else was really needed. In my current situation we have product with long-term life cycles. Different products are made with the same parts. Recalling old work is a regular around here.

Thanks folks, I will look into Windchill… sounds cool… Might be the trick. Our mechanical engineers all are on ProE. I wish I remembered it from my engineering days. The more I look into Version Cue it seems very elementary. I am not going to give up on it.

Please let me know if something else comes to mind