Depression Business Models

I agree, but unfortunately it seems that in the times of the consumer being more picky and streamlining their purchases, there also doesn’t seem like there will be as much of a need for the sheer number of designers being cranked out. There may not be as many “skin jobs” needed that was keeping a lot of people employed.
To look at it simply, before the consumer was willing to get 10x per year, thus keeping 20 designers busy. But now if the consumer is only willing to get 2x of higher quality per year, only 4 designers are busy. So those 4 left get to finally do good design but the other 16 that fell off either have to step up their game or do something else. I see a lot more entrepreneurship starting since there may not be enough work at existing places for the available talent. Next step is for them to start their own businesses to get their products out to consumers.