Legal implications of home made toys

Late to the party, as usual…

There was something about small parts too…safest way to avoid trouble there is to mark your products suitable for ages 3+.

Changed to 12 and under … apparently the Consumer Product Safety Act was “improved” in 2011.

So, if a “child” is 12, or under, defining “Children’s Products” is a major issue; electronic “toys” contain lead solder, children’s books contain ink (and residual solvents), etc. One thing is guaranteed though, the up-swell in third-party testing labs, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) budget ($130M this year) and employees hired to watch all of this are in making money…

I haven’t read through this yet, but The Hand Made Toy Alliance would seem to be a good resource.
edit- not sucha good resource, but more of a place to vent frustration, and an avenue to change legislation… :unamused:

Sheesh… how did Gepetto ever make a living?

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act