Freelance work and sites like Fiverr

I would have to agree with this approach but it can be hard when you are a “starving” consultant. But as Yo points out many times these small projects in the end cost you far more in terms of tying you up.
I use to and still do have certain criteria that i set for clients / projects to help ensure that it will be a mutually beneficial relationship.

Even now i am more picky, i recently did a class A alias sculpting project to help fix some flaws in a design, but i did this because i knew the client and i thought it would be fun to sit at alias and do some surface sculpting because its not something i do often anymore.

my criteria use to be criteria

  1. understanding of the value i bring
  2. passion for the project
  3. timeline
  4. current workload vs future workload
  5. current cash flow
  6. Always willing to walk away if it is not mutually beneficial short term or long term.

Depending on the project and cash flow weighted item 1-4 differently - and this is a living list. for example at this point in life today 2/3/1 are the most important.