The rejection letter, as a learning experience

I can definitely confirm this. This is a great way to get a foot in.
Lots of firms won’t even advertise openings as they practically staff their whole team this way.

But cold calling isn’t impossible. As long as the portfolio has some bite to it, it will get the attention it deserves.
I would say it’s been about 40% recommendation and 60% cold call for me.

Hiring managers and directors want to look at good, inspiring work and if they see something that is impressive, it won’t get forgotten or overlooked.
As a fresh grad, it might feel like there are so few positions and so many applicants and in numbers, this is true.
But once you look a little closer, you realise that it is just as hard to find good people for those positions.
Armed with a great portfolio the pool of serious competition shrinks dramatically and then it is great to have someone good in the organisation recommending you.