Looking to relocate

Well you have a family so you can just get up and move somewhere without a job lined up, I assume. So doesn’t it just depend on what you see on the job board? What position are you looking for? Junior ID?

There’s some neat info here: Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Portfolio is pretty good, a little light. A few short notes: I have no idea what problem the fish tank solves as I scanned over it. I don’t see any projects in your portfolio from jobs listed on your resume outside of college, which isn’t a great look. You mention CAD several times and 3D printing, not enough of it in your portfolio. Though with NDA’s it has made my portfolio seem barren in the past, not sure if this is the case here.

I should also mention that 95% of the jobs I have gotten have been through a friend of a friend or something. Networking with classmates has done wonders. I’ve only gotten one job from applying to job boards, it was through craigslist and I quit after a month because of how bad it was.