interfaces in photoshop

I would actually reverse engineer something to see how you can replicate the effect. I had an interactive project a while back for Sirius Satellite Radio where they needed animations of their PNP Radios working.

I took some nice hi-res photos of the actual products and started breaking them apart in photoshop so i could re-create the screens changing and buttons moving, lighting up, etc. Once I figured out how the shadows dropped and reflections changed on the product I was able to make all the parts I needed and tweaked them to be dead-on accurate.

When I finally animated the whole thing in After Effects it looked very photo realistic and I could create a lot of modified actions that wouldn’t have been possible if I was just moving photos around on screen.

I would also search through Google for “photoshop interface tutorials” and see what pops up. there are a lot of good ones out there if you take the time to look.

Heres one I found real quick:

Also has great XL photos of the stereos and components they sell which work perfectly for what i was describing or for using as maps for rendering.