
So this is how I learned to write well from a professional graffiti artist, grab massive sized paper use something very light to write with first and write the alphabet as big as you can then write random words whatever you like as big as you can so that it fits on the page. Once you’ve written enough words so you can’t see what your writing anymore use a darker tool like a pen and keep writing on that same page to not waste too much paper. When your done with the pen use the same page to practice your circles and ellipses with an even thicker tool like a marker so you can see it. Did this for 2 hours every day for months. If you do the same I guarantee you’ll start writing like an expert. Do it more intensely, and no doubt you’ll write like a pro within the year. Eventually when you get great at it you won’t even need line paper to write straight it will be natural to you, you can just write straight on blank sketching pages.