Sketch training exercises


I am in the exact same postition as you at the moment and I intend to become very proficient with sketching during the next acedemic year (in my year out) before attending university. I am hoping to spend at least 6 hours a day sketching and started this last week, the things I have found that are good to start with are…

  1. super basic shapes, I have found it incedibly useful to start by learning to draw a square/rectangle in prospective. I don’t know what people would think of starting with prospective on here but it has seemed to of worked for me so far… (if you don’t know how to do this check out the printer sketch on idsketching…)

  2. draw shapes on shapes, e.g draw a rectangle in prospective and then draw a triangle on top of that…

  3. Draw shapes on shapes and then an extrusion or two coming out of that shape…

  4. start learning the geometry of curves and how the work in prospective, for this you would defo benefit from the ‘sketching: drawing techniques for product designers’.

This is basially where I am up to and I am pretty certain I am going to be spending the next few weeks learning about curves and how they work in different prospective positions etc.

As of now I know nothing about the high level skills involved with design, including sketching, but I know that by doing this sort of thing I can keep happy and interested for a long period of time sketching and I am already learning how everything is just geometrical and mathematical…
