UI/Information design firm suggestions

I’m a designer at a large technology company. I’m looking for suggestions on design firms to check out to develop a flash demo for a medical device. The objective is to get additional funding past our next check point.

A smoke and mirrors combination of flash and storyboards will be our deliverable. Any suggestions?

Hey Design Night,

Just checking about the Flash demo.

A couple questions.

What are the deliverables?
Do you already have the UI layouts? if so how advanced are they? wireframes? full graphic layouts?
Are you looking for in depth interaction design, or simply animating an existing UI’s walkthrough?
Also, when is the project due date?
If I know more about the project I will be able to suggest some firms

P.S. Are you looking for local firms or are you willing to work with firms outside Oregon?

I’ll need information and layout design. Ease of use and navigation will also be something I’ll be depending on.

The concept will need to be packeged in a working flash demo so that our decision commitee can evaluate and see how compelling the concept is.

They do not need to be in Portland. Somewhere on the west coast would do.

Is this decision committee made of actual users?

Hey Design Night,

I mostly know of some people here in NY.
A friend of mine works for Swayspace and they have nice stuff, great to work with.
I like the work that Antenna has done- jet blue self check in kiosk, NYC transit metro card vending machine, etc.

Check out the design directory’s interaction design or their graphic design section for more options

Hope this helps.

Is this decision committee made of actual users?

No, we have been talking to end users throughout the development of the concept. The committee is made up of executives.

Just be careful. The fact that you’re building a high-fi sim mean’t for executives and not users indicates that you’re expecting them to be able to make design decisions.

Instead you may wish to emphasize your user-centered design process and show your work-in-progress. Get them to trust your data, and let the hi-fi prototype come later when its actually useful to end users.