bachelor ID --> communication and multimedia design

This Saturday I went to Rotterdam, because it was open day of the study CMD (communication & multimedia design). It really find the curriculum they teach very interesting and I’m up to go studying over there after my bachelor I think.

Though, I’m doubting if it would be a good move. Because after this year I only have to study still 2 years, CMD I have to do in 3 years. Maybe is a master in Product Development higher rated on the market then a bachelor of CMD and a bachelor Product Development? Because Interaction Design is such a hot topic these days. But is that the interface part? Or is do they mean the relation between products and users?

In CMD you got the chance to personalize your study big time. So I wanted to choose the direction of Interaction Design. But offcourse I will be influenced a lot by the not-product side (websites, programming, …). Hence, my bachelor of product design will be put in the shadow…

I really think the CMD study will be more fun, but I’m doubting if it’s a smart choice, and if there will be needs on the market for people like me…

I know these are hard questions to give one true answer one, but I wondered if you guys could help me out…
