Freelancing brochure

I’ve been testing out some of those open source software that YKH has posted in the Software forum. One has been incredibly useful: Open Office. I don’t have Acrobat creater (or whatever it is called), so I was unable to produce a nice brochure to send in emails. Open Office includes an “export as PDF” feature.

I tossed this brochure together mixing PS, Illustrator and Open Office’s Word type program. Let me know what you think of any aspect.

Well, one problem that immediately comes up is that your link gives me a ‘404 error.’ :wink:

Oh man 73 Lotus…I hate it when I do that. I’ve corrected the file name, and confirmed the link.

Looks good. I like the simplicity and the absence of flashy graphics and gimmics. Your skills are also easy to find with the categories and bullets.

The only thing I might change if it were my brocure are to make the images of your work somewhat larger. I like large images and detail, but this does limit the number of images that can be shown in the format.

Yeah, I prefer big images too. There is a difficult balance to be made in publicities between showing enough flash in nice images and showing a good variety of experience. I think I can scale the images up a bit though and maintain the look.

Also, I could add some big images that fade out near the text…that would probably work well.

Thanks for making me rethink this.

Using the same layout, but taking into some advice I’ve received I tossed this jpg together. It is one panel of a three fold brochure like the one in the PDF file I listed earlier.


I did a few layout sketches for a trifold brochure this morning. After some PM responses though, I’m wondering if my focus is off. I’m going to look back through my work, think about my potential clients and then attack this again.

I’d still love any additional feedback, fire away!

My target clients are consultants that hire freelancers. I have a few products on the market, but not alot. I have alot of process materials. What does my client want to see?